How to Clean Balcony Floor – A Simple Step-By-Step Guide

How to clean balcony floors properly is important knowledge for any outdoor space lover!

A clean, attractive balcony or terrace space can be an oasis: a place to escape from the annoyances of the world and enjoy the beauty of the sunrise, sunset, or a spot to sip a cup of hot chamomile tea on a cool autumn day.

Whether you have concrete, steel, wood, brick, or ceramic tile flooring, there is a simple, affordable, and effective way to clean this area.

How to clean balcony floor:
The best way to keep a clean balcony floor is preventative measures and maintenance. Cleaning your flooring regularly will help prevent stubborn build-up and stains. However, cleaning with appropriate supplies is vital to protect your balcony floor surfaces.

Due to natural ailments such as the environment, weather, and animals, cleaning your balcony floor can seem like a daunting task. Leaves, soot, mold, and stain covered flooring can make the job feel physically and financially burdensome. But, there are numerous methods to make this process simple to complete, easy to sustain, and worth the time and energy invested.

If you have a problem with wild birds and droppings, here’s a guide on how to keep them away.

If cleaning pollen off your balcony is your main concern, here’s a quick approach to it.

Declutter by Throwing Away Unwanted and Broken Items

Often, we avoid cleaning spaces because of the abundance of junk that tends to gather. Balcony spaces are notorious for old weathered mats, flowerpots, unused sporting equipment, and numerous other goods.

Anything of value, such as an unused bicycle or wooden furniture, can be sold or donated to a local organization. Old outdoor rugs and broken flower containers should be tossed into the garbage pail. If you don’t use something, it is best to get rid of it to maximize your balcony space.

Remove All Furniture and Items from Your Balcony

Before cleaning the floor, you must clean and remove all existing furniture and décor. Use a vacuum cleaner for any fabric-covered items and use upholstery cleaner to clean the furniture. Use a bucket of all-purpose cleaner (link to Amazon) mixed with water to clean off tables and chairs. Make sure to clean the bottom of table bases and chair legs.

Remove all existing items out of the balcony space, including plants, sporting goods, chairs, BBQs, and outdoor accessories.

Sweep the Balcony Floor

Balcony spaces are notorious for collecting filth and grime. Leaves, dirt, and other garbage gather in the corners and underneath mats and furniture previously removed.

Use a stiff haired broom and dustpan (link to Amazon) to sweep up all the debris. Use a dustpan and or make one using paper to remove and dispose of it properly. Do not sweep the garbage off the balcony as it will land below on your neighbor’s space.

Clean the Walls, Railing, and Other Parts of the Balcony

Balcony and terrace spaces collect grime, such as bird droppings. Use a rag, water, and all-purpose cleaner to wash off railing and walls. If you have a glass sliding door these are also easily clouded and dirty. Glass cleaners will work well on any glass windows or surfaces.

A large handled dust mop (link to Amazon) is a good investment for reaching high spaces. A squeegee is a productive and effective way to wash windows and walls (which is equally important to learning how to clean balcony floor).

Rinse Your Balcony Space

Using a water hose, or pressure washer is the most common method to thoroughly rinse your balcony space of any debris. However, a pressure washer can be damaging to concrete, causing small cracks in the surface.

If your balcony is above your neighbor’s, they will also likely not appreciate loads of water flowing down into their balcony space. Instead, use a bucket of bleach water and mop to sanitize this space.

How to Clean Balcony Floor – Materials and Methods

There are several variables regarding how to clean balcony floor. This depends on factors such as the material of your floor, and products on hand. The type of floor construction will determine which method to use and this does not have to be an expensive task.

How to clean balcony floor

Many cleaning products and supplies you probably have on hand are sufficient for cleaning the flooring. Common materials used for various types of balcony flooring include:

  • Concrete flooring- Use a nylon (not metal) bristled brush to scrub concrete flooring. An ecofriendly mixture of vinegar and water should remove stains. Use baking soda as well for maximum cleaning. Let these products sit for up to thirty minutes before rinsing. Once your balcony floor is clean, you can use a paint roller to apply a concrete sealant.
  • Stainless steel flooring- Stainless steel flooring is among the simplest to clean. All that is required for cleaning is warm water. Be sure to follow the polish lines and use a dry towel to avoid streaks.
  • Ceramic or porcelain tile flooring- Ceramic tile is easy to clean. A mixture of hot water and vinegar, or an all-purpose cleaner is sufficient to complete the job. The grout in between the tile, however, does require more attention. Dirty grout will leave a filthy film over the tile if not cleaned properly. Use a toothbrush and bleach water, or commercial grout cleaner, to scrub the grout regularly to avoid build up. For tough stains a paste of baking soda and water can be left on overnight.
  • Brick Flooring- Brick patios are affordable, durable, and easy to maintain. Use a scrub brush with 4 parts bleach to one part water to clean off unsightly stains and mold.
  • Wood Flooring- An eco-friendly option for wood flooring is vinegar and water. There are commercial wood products as well. Be sure to polish your wooden balcony flooring to seal in moisture.
  • Natural sandstone and slate- Do not use commercial cleaning products, vinegar, or acid-based products on this type of flooring. The best way to clean natural stone floor is to use mild dish detergent and water. This type of flooring also needs to be followed with periodic sealing.
  • Outdoor carpet- This budget friendly flooring is cheap and easy to upkeep. It is however prone to odor and stains. Use commercial products you would use on your indoor carpet including stain removers, carpet cleaning solutions, and a vacuum cleaner for regular upkeep.

Sustain Your Clean Balcony Space

Here are tips to keep your balcony clean and aesthetically pleasing:

  • Set a routine- Make a habit to sweep and declutter your balcony regularly. Simply write it on your list of household chores. A habit of cleaning your balcony space will mean less garbage, stains, and grime buildup.
  • Do not use your balcony as storage- When cleaning do not make a habit of throwing items onto your balcony for storage. This decision to move unnecessary items out onto your balcony will deter you from tidying up your balcony space. You will also regret this decision when you decide to clean.
  • Maximize your space- To avoid clutter and maximize your balcony space you can install built-in storage or racks.
  • Plants- To avoid the annoyance of knocking over potted plants, consider investing in a raised garden bed, or hang plants. This will also give you more space to enjoy your balcony area. Fuchsia, new guinea impatiens, lobelia, and hibiscus all grow well in balcony spaces.
  • Choose the correct method for cleaning- using the wrong products will hurt more than help in your cleaning efforts. Be sure to use the correct products to clean your balcony floor.
  • Inspect your outdoor floor regularly so that you also know if it needs to be repaired.


Your balcony should be a clean space where you can start your morning with coffee or your retreat after a long day. To make this space a place you want to spend your time it is necessary to keep it clean.

By decluttering, cleaning, and maintaining your balcony floors, you can continue to enjoy this beautiful outdoor space for years to come.

We hope this guide helped you understand how to clean balcony floor – if you need more visual assistance, have a look at the video below.

P.S. Here’s our guide to cleaning the complete balcony space, including windows and railing etc.

Bonus: A Helpful How to Clean Balcony Floor Video:

Elle Peters

Elle is a self-described “balcony nerd” and spends a lot of time on her balcony planting flowers and vegetables. She loves writing about new balcony decoration and gardening.

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